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Conference Schedule [Download]

Presentation Lists

Invited Talks

  • John Beavers (The University of Texas at Austin, USA)
    On the Interface of Word Meaning and Grammar
  • Benjamin Bruening (University of Delaware, USA))
    Subjectless Readings of 'Again' and Argument Structure
  • Thomas Hoffmann (KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany)
    Creativity in Construction Grammar: The 5C Model of Linguistic Creativity
  • Bernd Kortmann (University of Freiburg, Germany)
    World Englishes in the Context of World Languages

General/Themed Sessions

  1. (Withdrawn)
  2. Daiho Kitaoka (University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), China)
    Dividing Plurals in Japanese and the Heterogeneity of the Syntax of Plurals
  3. Barry C.-Y. Yang (National United University, Taiwan)
    Is Chinese a Partial Null Subject Language?
  4. Meng-Kai Kyle Ho, Kuo-Chiao Lin (Kang Chiao International School, Taiwan)
    Modeling Schwa Reduction in Directional Harmonic Serialism
  5. Hayeun Jang (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
    Phonological Preparation in Korean: The Influence of Shared Structures and Units
  6. Sheng-Chieh Huang, Yan-Bin Huang, Kuo-Chiao Lin, Zi-Xiang Lin, Ryan Wu (Kang Chiao International School, Taiwan)
    Trochaic Template Satisfaction in Isbukun Bunun
  7. Nguyen Van Nguyen, Hoa Ming Truong, Issra Pramoolsook (Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand)
    ChatGPT-Generated Modifications on Human-Generated TESOL Abstracts by Vietnamese Researchers
  8. So Young Lee (Miami University, USA), Russell Scheinberg, Amber Shore, Ameeta Agrawal (Portland State University, USA)
    Resolving RC Attachment Ambiguity in LLMs: Contrasting Head-Initial and Head-Final Language Processing
  9. Ching-Yu Helen Yang (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan), Jhih-Jie Chen (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
    An Ablation Study on the Automated Essay Scoring Using ChatGPT
  10. Zi-chun Lin (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan) [online]
    A Movement-based Analysis for Non-local Binding: Chinese ziji and Its New Perspectives
  11. Tatsuya Hashimoto (University of Tsukuba, Japan) [online]
    Dividing Categorial Selection: Towards a Mechanism behind Non-Argument Taking Relation in Syntax
  12. Min-Joo Kim (Texas Tech University, USA) [online]
    Three-Way Classification of ACC-Marked External Possession in Korean and Its Implications
  13. Eunjin Gye, Wooyeol Lim, Youngjoo Kim (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
    Processing Patterns of Korean Adverbial Sentences with ‘-(eu)ro’: Comparing Fixed and Free Word Orders
  14. Yeonkwon Jung (Kansai Gaidai University, Japan)
    Japanese Academic Apology: A Case of English as a Lingua Franca Encounter
  15. Ben Yue Shi Yang (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan) [online]
    Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Learning in High-Functioning Autistic Children for Processing Modern Chinese Proverbs
  16. Masaaki Ogura (Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan) [online]
    Textual Patterns in The Rambler: A Preliminary Stylistic Study of Samuel Johnson and Canonical Authors
  17. Salima Araar (University of Limerick, Ireland) [online]
    The Use of the Pragmatic Marker Like by Algerian Speakers of English in Ireland: A Corpus-Based Discourse Analytic Approach
  18. Ziyun Dai (Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Korea) [online]
    Research Trends in Linguistic Research from 2014 to 2023: A Bibliometric Analysis
  19. Sarah Park (Korea University, Korea), Sang-Geun Lee (Korea University, Korea)
    Intuitive Minds vs. AI Algorithms: Anaphoric Marker Choices in Korean Bridging Contexts
  20. Ye-eun Cho (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
    Prompting Strategies of Generative AI for Korean Pragmatic Inference
  21. Kaoru Amino (ShanghaiTech University, China/Japan)
    Why Do Humans Feel Unsatisfied with Conversations with Unsupervised Chatbots?: A Comparative Study on the Topical Depth Using T-R Nexus and FSP
  22. Rebecca Kirkle, Eugene Chung (Korea University, Korea)
    Dummy or Not? Exploring the Referentiality of the English Pronoun ‘It’
  23. Yuki Ishihara (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
    The Role of Addressee in Interpreting Predicate Doubling in Japanese
  24. Hojeong Koo (Sogang University, Korea)
    Semantic Case Markers in Korean Noun Phrases: Focusing on -ey tayhan and -ey uyhan
  25. Mi Kyong Kim (Chodang University, Korea) [online]
    ChatGPT and Google Bard for Critical-PBLL in Korean University English Education
  26. Ki-tae Kim (Keimyung University, Korea) [online]
    Positioning Analysis of AI-Based Medicine in Published Expert Interviews: A Preliminary Analysis
  27. Xiaotian Wang (Harvard University, USA) [online]
    Word-order Reflexes of Information Structure under the Influence of Bilingualism: A Pilot Study on Mandarin-English Bilingual Speakers
  28. Elena V. Beloglazova (Herzen State Pedagogical University, Russia)
    Translating a Culture: Evidence from the Japanese, English and Finnish Comparable Corpora
  29. Cuilin Liu, Se-Eun Jhang (Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Korea)
    A Comparative Bibliometric Analysis of Gender Equality Research Trends in the Maritime Industry and Global Domains
  30. Jinawat Kaenmuang (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand) [online]
    Integrating Cultural Contexts in AI: A Study on Thai Boxing Lexicon and Language Comprehension
  31. Hisashi Morita (Aichi Prefectural University, Japan) [online]
    Does Generative AI Dream of Human-like Translation?: Implementing Obviation Control Rules into an LLM through Finetuning
  32. Jose Belda-Medina, Sandra Abad-Bataller, Kaoutar Smaili-Bensaad, Andrea Gallardo-Ferrandez, Jorge Soto-Almela, Jose R. Calvo-Ferrer (University of Alicante, Spain) [online]
    AI Assessment Tools in Language Learning: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
  33. You-Yun Yu (National Taiwan University Graduate Institute of Linguistics, Taiwan)
    Hands that Speak: Metaphorical and Metonymical Insights from Korean 손 ‘Hand’-Related Idioms
  34. Dongeun Lee (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
    Understanding Embodiment in Phraseological Expressions - Body Part Nouns in German and Korean
  35. Sue Young Chung, Eugene Chung (Korea University, Korea)
    Pragmatic Analysis of Testimonial Strategies in Perjury Court Rulings
  36. Chun Ting Chien, François-Xavier Brajot (National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taiwan)
    Investigating Mandarin Clear Speech: Acoustic Cues and Their Applications in Technology and Therapy
  37. Geonhee Lee (Stony Brook University, USA)
    Prosodic Tones and Boundaries: Disambiguating Non-canonical Wh-Questions and Wh-Exclamatives in Korean
  38. Riley Kent, Eunhae Oh (Konkuk University, Korea)
    Perceptual Adaptation to Foreign Accented Speech by L2 Listeners
  39. Eun Seon Chung (Hankyong National University, Korea)
    Second Language Processing of Errors in Korean-to-English Machine-translated Output
  40. Nayoun Kim, Ziying Li, Sanskriti, Kwangsu Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
    The Mechanism behind Understanding Anaphoric One and Noun Phrase Ellipsis: How Language Models Work
  41. (Withdrawn)
  42. Haewon Jeon (Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Korea)
    Wh-doubling Constructions in Korean Sign Language
  43. Ahmed Mai, Soon-Bok Kwon (Pusan National University, Korea) [online]
    Epistemic Modality Expression in Korean Sign Language
  44. Youngju Choi (Chosun University, Korea) [online]
    Double Mapping Constraint and KSL Metaphors
  45. Mija Kim (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
    Korean Expletive Negation in a Subordinate Clause: Focusing on Its Variants
  46. Manabu Mizuguchi (Kokugakuin University, Japan)
    Revisiting Phase-internal Movement
  47. Pin-Wei Li, Jen Ting (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
    On the Syntactic Category of Rúguǒ ‘if’ and Its Implications for Clausal Structure in Mandarin Chinese
  48. Taku Kumakiri (Shukutoku University, Japan)
    Function of the Diminutive in Narrative of Tunis Arabic
  49. Ahbi Koh (Kobe College, Japan)
    Japanese Yabai with Empathy
  50. Ben Yue Shi Yang (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan), Jenny Yichun Kuo (National Chiayi University, Taiwan)
    Human Processing of Animal Metaphors in English and Chinese
  51. Kyung Eun Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
    A Study on the Output Type of Korean Particle ‘-의[ɰi]’ in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
  52. Jieun Kim (University of Ulsan, Korea / University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)
    Evaluating Unsupervised Parsing: DIORA and The Quest for Structural Understanding in Natural Languages
  53. Charmhun Jo (Southwest University, China)
    Conceptual Metaphor and Double Mapping in Chinese Sign Language
  54. Seonhye Lee (Pukyong National University, Korea)
    Grammaticalization of Adverbial Clauses in Spoken and Sign Languages
  55. Se-Eun Jhang (Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Korea), Sook Ki Lee (Korea Nazarene University, Korea), Byeong-Cheon Yoon (Chosun University, Korea), Haewon Jeon (Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Korea), Seonhye Lee (Pukyong National University, Korea)
    Lexical Development in Young Deaf Twins: A Comparative Longitudinal Study of Korean Sign Language Acquisition
  56. Ji-in Kang (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea)
    A Construction-Based Approach to the English Is-it-just-me-or-X? Construction
  57. Ching-Syuan Shen, One-Soon Her (National Chengchi University / Tunghai University, Taiwan)
    Identifying Sortal Classifiers in Korean
  58. Anna S.C. Cheung (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China) [online]
    Teaching Mandarin Tones: How to Make It Comprehensible and Compelling
  59. Zi-Xiang Lin (Kang Chiao International School, Taiwan) [online]
    Revisiting Extrametricality in Isbukun Bunun
  60. Man-ni Chu (Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan), Yu-Chun Wang (Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, Taiwan) [online]
    The Inspiration of Seq2Seq and Its Error Analysis – The Sound Changes of Chaoshan and Zhangzhou
  61. Ajay Malik (Central University of Rajasthan, India), Usha Udaar (IIT Kanpur, India) [online]
    A Sociolinguistic Areal Analysis of a Three-Village Micro-Linguistic Area (MLA) at the Haryana-Punjab Border in India
  62. Balázs Horváth (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary) [online]
    "I" or "we" in a Pandemic? A Linguistic Case Study on the Personalization of Hungarian Political Communication during the Coronavirus
  63. Oleg Shcherbakov (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia) [online]
    Language as Symbol in Urban Linguistic Landscapes: Comparative Analysis of China, Thailand, and Russia
  64. Erika Kristine E. Arcenal, Licca Pauleen V. Capistrano, Marielle Jessie D. De Guzman, Micaela Isabel M. Forrosuelo, Janeson M. Miranda (De La Salle University Integrated School, The Philippines) [online]
    Impersonally Married: A Comparative Genre Analysis of Reddit and ChatGPT-4 Spouse Appreciation Posts
  65. Evgeniya Aleshinskaya (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Russia) [online]
    Applying AI in Teaching Academic Writing: A Pilot Study
  66. Matthew Galbraith, Preeti Kumari, Martina Wiltschko (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain) [online]
    Grammar Plays a Role in Human-Computer Interaction, Huh?


hosted and organized by

The Linguistic Society of Korea
Institute for the Study of Lanaguage & Information, Kyung Hee University

sponsered by

The National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)