lsk_logo The Linguistic Society of Korea



While this conference offers both online and offline attendance options, we kindly request that domestic attendees to join the conference in person.

  • Online attendance is free.
  • For in-person attendance, the fees are as follows:
    • Faculty or PhD holders: KRW 30,000
    • (Under)graduate students: KRW 10,000

Registration process

We ask that all presenters as well as other attendees register by August 4.
If you have any questions on registration, please email us at

For domestic attendees:

  1. Fill out the registration form below.
  2. Transfer the fee to the following bank account: 우리은행 1002-363-787147 (예금주: 이주원, 한국언어학회)
    When making the transfer, please specify your name and affiliation (e.g. 홍길동한국대).

For international attendees:

  1. Fill out the registration form below.
  2. Pay in person at the registration desk at the conference site.


hosted and organized by

The Linguistic Society of Korea
Institute for the Study of Lanaguage & Information, Kyung Hee University

sponsered by

The National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)