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[Call for Papers] (Submission closed)
The Linguistic Society of Korea (LSK) is pleased to announce the 2024 Seoul International Conference on Linguistics (SICOL-2024) to be held in a hybrid format on August 8-9 (Thur-Fri), 2024 at Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.
To provide more flexibility to participants, we will offer the option to attend in-person on-site or online via Zoom.

Invited Speakers

John Beavers (The University of Texas at Austin)
Bernd Kortmann (University of Freiburg)
Benjamin Bruening (University of Delaware)
Thomas Hoffmann (KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline: June 20, 2024
Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2024
Conference dates: August 8-9, 2024

Organizing Committee

Jong-Bok Kim (Chair, LSK president, Kyung Hee University)
Hyopil Shin (Seoul National University)
Byong-Rae Ryu (Chungnam National University)
Suk-yeong Mun (Seoul National University)
See-Gyoon Park (Kunsan National University)
Youngju Choi (Chosun University)
Dongwoo Park (Korea National Open University)
Sumi Han (Hallym University)
Chung-Hoon Lee (Sogang University)
Yunju Nam (Hanyang University)

Program Committee

Se-Eun Jhang (Co-chair, Korea Maritime and Ocean University)
Iksoo Kwon (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
Byeongkil Ahn (Gyeongsang National University)
Kyungchul Chang (Pusan National University)
Hansaem Kim (Yonsei University)
Hanjung Lee (Co-chair, Sungkyunkwan University)
Eon-Suk Ko (Chosun University)
Nayoun Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)
Jungmee Lee (Seoul National University)
Seonmin Park (KAIST)

Contact Information

Please direct any questions about abstract submission and other queries about the conference to the LSK email ( or to the program committee ( More details about the conference including invited talks, the conference website, registration, etc. will be announced in the second call for papers.


hosted and organized by

The Linguistic Society of Korea
Institute for the Study of Lanaguage & Information, Kyung Hee University

sponsered by

The National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)